Sunday Worship: Two Sons

Mar 2, 2025    Jon Dietrich

Discussion Questions

1. Today we are in the first week of a Sermon Series called “Parables.” Jesus often taught

using parables, these short dense stories that are packed with meaning. Between Palm

Sunday and Good Friday, in the last week of His earthly ministry, Jesus told six

parables. The first one is a parable about two sons. Read it for yourself, Matthew 21:28-

32. What stands out to you as you read?

2. In this parable Jesus tells a story about two sons and their response to their father’s

command. The first son starts off far from the will of his father, but in the end does what

his father asks. The second son responds enthusiastically to the command to do his

father’s will, but in the end fails to do so. What do you think Jesus is trying to teach His

followers with this parable? 

3. “Which of the two sons did what the father wanted?” How are these two responses by

these two sons similar to how some people interact with doing the will of our Heavenly

Father? Reread verse 31-32, what lesson is Jesus trying to teach us? 

4. Jesus then tells His listeners that it will be notorious sinners, or as He says “tax

collectors and prostitutes,” who enter the Kingdom of God ahead of those who think they

are already righteous. It was these notorious sinners who quickly recognized their own

sin, humbled themselves, repented from their sins, and started doing the will of their

Father. Whereas those who thought they were righteous on their own have leaned on

their own righteousness and not trusted in the grace, mercy, and forgiveness of God. Do

you find this parable challenging? Why or why not?