WHo we Are

Chapel in the Pines is an Evangelical Covenant Church located in the Sierra Nevada mountain community of Arnold, California. 
Service Time: Sundays at 10 AM
Office Hours: Tuesday - Thursday 9:30 AM - 3:00 PM
Phone: 209-795-1064
Email: office@chapelinthepines.org

What we believe

Our essential beliefs are summed up in the Covenant Affirmations, the Nicene Creed, and the Apostles Creed. We believe the church is more than an institution, organization or building. It's a grace filled community who seek to participate in the life and mission of Jesus Christ. We await His coming Kingdom by proclaiming The Good News of the forgiveness of our sins and reconciliation with God through faith in Christ The Lord. Whether you are seeking to know more about God's love and forgiveness or you are growing in God's love, we welcome you to grow in a personal relationship with God through faith in Jesus. Our goal is to glorify God by seeking to follow Jesus together. 

The Evangelical Covenant Church

We are proud members of our denomination family, The Evangelical Covenant Church, or ECC for short. Click on the logo to the right to learn more about the ECC, our shared Covenant Affirmations, and what be believe. 

The Pacific Southwest Conference

All ECC churches are split into reginal conferences. Here at Chapel we are a part of the Pacific Southwest Conference, or PSWC for short.   Click on the logo to the right to learn more about the PSWC and all the exciting things God is doing in our region.  

Our Mission

Our Mission Statement as a church is right from scripture. In Matthew 28:19 Jesus commanded us to make disciples, and in Matthew 22:34-40 we read that true disciples of God seek to love God and love others. So to summarize these two verses we say that we as a church are called to: Love God, Love Others, and Serve Others. This is intentionally journey language. As we grow in faith together first we learn to Love God, then God softens our hearts toward others and we start Loving Others, and finally our love is lived out as we Serve Others. 

Love God - Love Others - Serve Others

Our Vision

In addition to our Mission Statement, also have a Vision Statement. While our Mission to Love God, Love Others, and Serve Others seeks to answer the question "Who are we?" Our Vision Statement is about answering the question "What direction is God calling us to go?"   To answer that question, we believe that God is calling us to be a church that is Equipping God's people for life changing ministry in our church and in our community.   This statement is based on Ephesians 4:11-12.

Equipping God's people for life changing ministry in our church and in our community.